Texas Personal Injury and Family Law


Closing Victor’s Commercial Claim

A picture of Victor’s property damage caused by a semi-truck driver’s negligence.

This morning, my staff and I closed a file that we opened almost two years ago. In July 2017, Victor was driving on FM 511 in Brownsville, Texas when the driver of a commercial vehicle pulling a large trailer made an illegal U-turn as Victor was traveling towards him. The driver’s careless turn caused Victor to collide into the trailer at a high rate of speed. After an on-scene investigation, the responding police officer cited the driver with “Turning When Unsafe” and attributed 100% responsibility of collision to him. 

Victor was transported to a nearby hospital via ambulance immediately following the collision. The emergency-room physicians and Victor’s medical providers diagnosed him with a broken left hand, a tear in his left shoulder, and a neck and lower-back sprain. In the end, the driver’s unsafe turn caused Victor to make three hospital visits and undergo two lower-back epidural steroid injections, a surgery to realign the broken bone in his hand, and a surgery to repair his torn left shoulder. 

I began handling Victor’s claim while practicing at my old law firm. When my staff and I left in February, I made sure that I continued to be responsible for Victor’s file. Throughout my representation of Victor, my goal was to make sure the driver’s insurance company understood not only that Victor incurred a substantial amount of medical expenses, but also that the driver’s negligence caused Victor to suffer an enormous amount of pain and inconvenience to his daily life. 

Harlingen car crash attorney Robert Davis Jr. and crash victim, Victor.

After almost two years, I am proud to say that we accomplished our goal. While we probably will not be hearing from Victor as much as we had been over the past few months, I am glad that he finally will be able to move on with his life and put this collision behind him. If you or a loved one has been injured in a semi-truck accident like Victor (or in any other accident involving a motor vehicle), you have enough things to worry about. Do not let negotiating with an insurance company be one of them. We deal with the insurance company so you can focus on getting your life back to normal. You have one chance to do this; make the right choice by choosing the right attorney. Call us at (956) 291-7870 or email us at contact@rdjlawyer.com for a free consultation and case evaluation.